maandag 3 maart 2014

Day 27 - the vegucated challenge

I keep falling in the 'healthy snack' trap. Like today I figured it would be good to have some unsalted nuts as a snack. Everyone knows nuts are good for you. But not 10 times the serving size. Oops. I think I had about a trillion calories for healthy snack and finished half the packet.

I started the day out healthy, A cup of grapes, a fresh juice of pineapple and mango and a cup of rooibos tea.
I immediately made up for my innocent breakfast by eating half this packet of nuts. Ugh.

Yay, I love it when I have good leftovers for lunch. My boyfriend's awesome Thai curry! A little heavy after all those nuts but delicious nevertheless.


I'm going to make this every time I need a balance-dinner. Great after you had a carb-heavy day. And again I was so surprised how delicious Brussels sprouts could be. I've made this before, you can find the recipe here.

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